Sunday, November 21, 2021

How to Become a NLP Expert with These Tips from Programming Professionals


NLP stands for natural language processing and refers to the ability of computers to understand human language.

The introduction of NLP has made programming languages more accessible to non-technical individuals.

NLP can be applied in domains like search engines, online shopping, chatbots, and voice assistants.

NLP for programmers not only simplifies the process of writing programs by enabling them to write code in natural language but also increases the speed at which they can write code. For example, complex text parsing tasks can now be completed by writing a few lines of code with the help of NLP libraries instead of spending hours on designing complicated regular expressions which are not easy to comprehend even for programmers.

Related post :

What is the Difference Between NLP and Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence, which is a field of computer science/mathematics.

Machine Learning is a form of data analysis that enables a computer program to automatically gain insight from data and make predictions without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine Learning has been applied to many areas, from self-driving cars to medical diagnosis, but it’s most often associated with predictive analytics.

Mastering Natural Language Processing with Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages with many data scientists and entrepreneurs who use it for data science and machine learning. This article will show you how to dive deep into Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python, exploring the most important libraries for this task, so you can start applying NLP to your own projects!

For many decades, NLP has been considered as a difficult skill to learn. Nowadays, thanks to the advancements in computer science and machine learning technology, there are more options for NLP enthusiasts than ever before.

## Section Topic: Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms

Section keywords: Machine Learning Algorithms, K Nearest Neighbors algorithm, Decision Tree algorithm

Introduction: There are many algorithms that I could mention here but I am bound by word count so


The NLP field is rapidly growing and evolving. There are a number of various programming languages that can be used to train and build NLP models. We recommend Python since it is the easiest language for beginners to get started with, and help you start exploring other languages such as Java later on.

1 comment:

How to Become a NLP Expert with These Tips from Programming Professionals

  NLP stands for natural language processing and refers to the ability of computers to understand human language. The introduction of NLP ...